Copy, word count & fonts

    • Copy should be supplied as a google document.

    • Please specify any suggested pull quotes at the end of the document.

    • Any URLs within the body copy should be clearly labelled

    • Any amends should be supplied as tracked changes within the same document.

    • Bylines are permissible at the bottom of the page. Headshots accompanying a byline will be no larger than 300px.

    • The headline should be between 65-70 characters

    • The standfirst should be 150-210 characters

    • Body copy should be 600-1000 words

    • Pull quotes should be 125 characters max

    • Image captions should be 110 characters max

    • Hub tile descriptions should be no more than 110 characters

      All word counts include spaces

  • Use of “Financier” is not permitted for use on Partner Content. We primarily use “Metric”.

    If font customisation* is required please select the style from Google Fonts

  • Due to known issues around copyright infringement and accuracy, content produced via Generative AI is restricted for use in Partner Content.

    Client Supplied: Clients are not encouraged but permitted to use GAI to produce their own content without notifying the Creative Strategy team, providing it meets all other content creation guidelines and requirements. All terms and conditions agreed in the FT Partner Content term sheet are applicable.

    FT Produced: Our partners are required to notify the FT on the use of GAI for both research and final text. We do not permit the use of GAI to research articles or produce draft/final text for clients, whether created by FT Studio, a trusted agency partner, or freelancer.

* dependent on tier level