HTSI Print Partner Content

Page setup
280mm w x 350mm h (no bleed)
Margin Top: 27mm
Margin Bottom, Inside and Outside: 21mm Column Number: 6
Gutter: 6mm
Baseline Grid: 11pt
Ideal Word Count: 400 words per
single page

1. Partner Content label
Metric Bold, 12pt, Matisse

2. Client name
Metric Semibold, 9.6pt, black, 60% tint

3. Legal disclaimer
Metric Regular, 8pt, black. Text to be written as follows; ‘This content was paid for by <CLIENT> and produced in partnership with the Financial Times Commercial department”’

4. Images
Images should align to the 6 column grid, they must also stay within the page margins

Single page

5. Headline
Ivar Headline Medium, title case. Font size can be adjusted, but no larger than 40pt and no smaller than 22pt. Can be overlaid on hero image, coloured either black or white

6. Stand first
Ivar Headline Italic, 13pt font size,
16pt leading, black.

7. Client logo
Client logo should be placed above the bottom margin, on either the left hand or right hand side of the page.

Page setup
280mm w x 350mm h (no bleed)
Margin Top: 27mm
Margin Bottom, Inside and Outside: 21mm Column Number: 6
Gutter: 6mm
Baseline Grid: 11pt
Ideal Word Count: 400 words per single page

Matisse: C:82 M:65 Y:34 K:16 Black:
C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100

1. Partner Content label
Metric Bold, 12pt, Matisse

2. Client name
Metric Semibold, 9.6pt, black, 60% tint

3. Legal disclaimer
Metric Regular, 8pt, black. Text to be written as follows;

‘This content was paid for by <CLIENT> and produced in partnership with the Financial Times Commercial department”’

4. Images
Images should align to the 6 column grid, they must also stay within the page margins

Double page spread

5. Headline
Ivar Headline Medium, title case. Font size can be adjusted, but no larger than 40pt and no smaller than 22pt. Can be overlaid on hero image, coloured either black or white

6. Standfirst
Ivar Headline Italic, 13pt font size, 16pt leading, black

7. Client logo
Client logo should be placed above the bottom margin, on either the left hand or right hand side of the page, supplied in CYMK

8. Image caption
Euclid Circular Light, 6.5pt, 8pt leading, white or black, 4 to 5 words maximum

9. Body copy
Euclid Circular Light, 8pt, 11pt leading, black, spanning two or three columns. Opening line is to be title case. First line left indent of 4mms (aside from first paragraph)

10. Border
The border has a thickness of 0.3pt.
Leave 4mm between the border and PC/legal disclaimer. Download the InDesign templates and fonts here